Welcome to My World

This blog comes to you during a time in which we find ourselves in the midst of a Worldwide Pandemic. I love writing, but I never write for pleasure. Writing is a large part of my everyday work as an Attorney. But legal writing is not the same as story writing or blog writing. It is very structured and there are a lot of rules. I decided to start this blog more for myself than for others to read, but maybe this will inspire one other person and that would also be alright. I wanted a place to document my interests, things that inspire me, things that bring me joy, and to share my desire to see the world and all of the places in it. Because this Pandemic won't last forever. But there's also a lot of things we can still find joy in doing during this time.

I am a pretty happy person overall. Not boringly happy. But I would call myself more optimistic than pessimistic. I think my years struggling with a crippling anxiety disorder has just taught me that life is too short to focus on negative things. The best way to live life is to find the joy in something every day. I still have days where I let myself be sad, sometimes all day, sometimes for many days. But in general, I have so much to be grateful for that is is hard to stay negative for too long. I think this outlook has changed quite a bit since I have entered my 30's. I think in my 20's it always felt like the world was ending. It's amazing how your perspective can change so much as you get older, and more settled in your life. You also just realize what your priorities are, so you end up doing more of the things that bring you joy, versus all the other bullshit that you felt like you had to be doing in your 20's even if you didn't want to.

Here is a short list of things that bring me joy, which I would like to explore in this Blog.

1. My Cat, Boba.

2. Living in Silverlake (the neighborhood where I currently live in Los Angeles).

3. Coffee Shops in Los Angeles

4. Travel

5. Baking (& some Cooking, but mostly baking)

6. Hidden Southern California Destinations

And....basically anything else I want to share! Thanks for reading, and welcome to my world.
